White House COVID-19 Task Force in Arizona Hot Spot
July 1, 2020 (EIRNS)—Today in Phoenix, Vice President Mike Pence led a White House COVID-19 Task Force press conference, with members of his team and Governor Doug Ducey speaking. Pence said that President Donald Trump “asked me to be here,” to reassure the people of Arizona they will get what they need. The visiting delegation included Joint Staff Vice Director for Logistics Rear Adm. John Polowczyk expediting supplies through FEMA, and others. Dr. Deborah Birx spoke, stressing wearing masks and related public health measures. She addressed especially young people. In Maricopa County, for example, 50% of the new cases are among youth. Birx has been in the state for a few days conferring with officials on what actions to take.
Arizona, along with California, Texas, Florida, and other states, is experiencing a rapidly worsening impact from the virus. CDC head Robert Redfield has reported to a Senate hearing yesterday that hospitalizations are now going up in 12 states, and as of the last weekend, the number of daily deaths in the state of Arizona was increasing. Pence thanked Arizona for holding rates of transmission down for many weeks, and then renewing restrictions after the rates rose again. Pence reported that state medical officials are asking for more personnel, and 60 medics have already been sent into Tucson.