‘Something Not Right’ with Joe Biden, Observes Former White House Physician
Aug. 19, 2020 (EIRNS)—Former White House physician, Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson, who had major medical responsibilities at the White House from 2006-1018, and served as White House physician for both Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, has described Joe Biden as “just lost,” psychologically and physically. According to the Aug. 18 Washington Examiner, Jackson made these remarks in an interview he gave for a book being published by Donald Trump, Jr. He said he wouldn’t venture any particular diagnosis of dementia, but added that “something is not right.” In the Obama White House, he said, he saw Biden frequently and knew he was prone to gaffes. “But these aren’t gaffes. He can’t form sentences; he can’t complete a thought. I mean he gets stuck. He doesn’t know how to get out of the situation he’s in and he just finally has to give up.” Jackson also said he doesn’t think Biden has the physical stamina necessary to be President, and that in general, he “doesn’t feel comfortable” at the thought of Biden being commander-in-chief.