McKibben Forecasts End of Life on Earth as We Know It, Should Trump Win
Nov. 4, 2020 (EIRNS)—The United States is officially out of the Paris Climate Accords today, at the end of the required wait period after President Donald Trump’s notification of intent to withdraw one year ago. London’s Guardian worries today that even if Joe Biden does win the 2020 election, as they hope, the Republican-dominated Senate may be able to stymie the Biden team’s intent to put the United States fully back in the yoke of those genocidal accords. The daily reviewed various back-up plans in motion to rope U.S. cities, states and businesses into the climate trap should national participation be stalled.
The Guardian’s melodramatic “news” article is far surpassed in hysteria, however, by the op-ed it published on the same day by Wall Street’s fanatic anti-human greenie from Vermont’s Middlebury College, Bill McKibben. McKibben foams that “This Election Isn’t about the Next Four Years; It’s about the Next Four Millennia”—even the next 40 millennia. Ay, a second Trump term of all-out climate denial “would be catastrophic”—for the oligarchy’s scheme to dehumanize the planet!