Pelosi Worried about Rapidly Declining House Democratic Majority
Nov. 16, 2020 (EIRNS)—Republicans are not in a position to win back a majority in the House of Representatives, but the Democratic majority could fall to as low as only seven seats, in a situation in which there are rumblings against the coup-mongers running the party from among a few remaining sane Democrats. That low a majority does not come from the Republicans, but was the estimate of CNN as of two days ago. They are projecting a Republican win in 12 of the 13 races still being counted at this point, while the Republicans have already flipped 11 seats. CNN does admit that the “Republicans pulled off a big upset” by getting that close to taking back the House.
House Squeaker Nancy Pelosi was repeatedly pounded on this weakness during her press conference last Friday, Nov. 13, with one reporter asking nastily, “You always talk about ‘know your power.’ What is your power now?” While she stuttered (repeatedly) that we have the President now, that’s our power, she blurted out that “the fact is that President Trump, to his credit, turned out a big vote.”
That big Trump vote, which even the likes of CNN and Pelosi have to admit to, is an important underpinning of the case for the mass vote fraud run in the presidential race.
Facing the prospect of a “razor-thin” majority in the House, Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer are telling the Biden team not to pull out Democratic Congressmen to serve in the administration they imagine they will have, and Democratic Representatives not to accept any such offers. They fear that the Democrat majority in the House could even be lost, should Republicans win in the special elections required to replace them, the New York Post reported yesterday.
Exposed as rotten failures, like most of the polling agencies, are the models used to predict the outcome of the Congressional election. CNN reports that the model furthest from reality was that of The Economist, the City of London’s weekly, which predicted that the Democrats would win 244 seats, putting the chances of the Democrats getting 225 seats or less at 1:100.
So much for British empiricism with its arrogant surety that “every man has his price.”