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British Anti-Russian Psy-Ops Fly Fast and Furious

Jan. 24, 2022 (EIRNS)—From the moment on last Friday, Jan. 21, that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken both announced that the U.S. would provide a written response to Russia on their security demands, the British have deployed to sabotage any such possibility. So far the British counter has been limited to psy-ops and disinformation; but wetworks and overt military provocations are also likely to occur over the coming weeks.

Over the weekend British intelligence leaked the factless story that they had “concluded” that Russia was about to organize a coup in Kiev—which was quickly denied and ridiculed by the Russian side.

Then yesterday an anonymous diplomat in Beijing said it is “possible” that Chinese President Xi Jinping had asked Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin “not to invade Ukraine during the (Olympic) Games,” according to a widely circulated story put out by Sir Michael’s Bloomberg. China’s Ambassador to Russia quickly called this a “hoax and a provocation”; the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s spokesman also denounced the lie; and Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called it “a special information operation by U.S. respective agencies,” reported TASS.

To further create a climate of imminent war, the U.S. State Department announced over the weekend that “There are reports Russia is planning significant military action against Ukraine,” and that therefore it has “authorized the voluntary departure of U.S. direct hire employees (USDH) and ordered the departure of eligible family members (EFM)” from the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. State added that American citizens were once again strongly advised not to travel to Ukraine, while those already in the country were told to “consider departing now using commercial or other privately available transportation options,” since, a State spokesman explained, they do not “anticipate that there will be U.S. government-sponsored evacuations,” should a war take place.

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