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Military and Central Banks’ Revolving Door: Stoltenberg To Become Norway Central Bank Governor

Feb. 10, 2022 (EIRNS)—As further confirmation of EIR’s documentation that it is the economic-financial crisis which is driving the rush to war against Russia and China, the Norway’s central bank, Norges Bank, announced on Feb. 4 that its new governor will be the current NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, one of the most belligerent of the Western leaders preparing for war with Russia and China.

Stoltenberg finishes his term as NATO chief on Oct. 1, and will switch over to his new job as central bank governor, where he will undoubtedly continue his mobilization for war. He will also be in charge of the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund—$1.4 trillion.

Stoltenberg was the leader of Norway’s Labour Party, was Norwegian prime minister from 2000-01 and 2005-13 before becoming NATO chief the following year. He has also been finance minister and energy minister.

Reuters reports that former finance minister Siv Jensen, in office from 2013 to 2020, last month urged Stoltenberg to withdraw from the process, arguing that his appointment would damage Norges Bank’s credibility and reputation. The deputy head of Norway’s main opposition Conservative Party, Tina Bru, had also argued against Stoltenberg’s candidacy, calling it unwise to appoint him.

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