Effort To Isolate Russian Ambassador Antonov Highlights Schiller Institute’s Organizing for a New Paradigm
April 19, 2022 (EIRNS)—A report published by Politico yesterday based on an interview with Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov unintentionally highlights the unique role of the LaRouche movement, in particular the Schiller Institute, in organizing a new paradigm of peace and development as the alternative to the dominant Anglo-American paradigm of economic looting and war. The Politico report shows, among other things, that Antonov’s participation in the April 9 Schiller Institute conference has been noticed in Washington.
Politico’s report, flippantly titled “Lonely Anatoly: The Russian Ambassador Is Washington’s Least Popular Man,” shows that that’s what’s happening. “No one wants to talk to Anatoly Antonov,” author Nahal Toosi begins. “Russia’s ambassador to the United States can’t get meetings with senior officials at the White House or the State Department. He can’t convince U.S. lawmakers to see him, much less take a photo. It’s the rare American think tanker who’s willing to admit to having any contact with the envoy.” Antonov is quoted describing the embassy’s situation as a “blockade.”
Antonov should be receiving numerous requests from news media, think tanks, and other organizations for interviews on the Russian perspective on how to end the war in Ukraine, and more broadly, the confrontation between Russia and Global NATO. Instead, as the Politico report stresses—and attempts to reinforce—Antonov is being isolated, except for what the Schiller Institute is doing. “It’s tricky to keep a distance in Washington from the main representative of one of the world’s largest nuclear powers, but there are downsides to engaging him, former U.S. officials and analysts say,” Toosi writes later. “For one thing it could damage a person’s reputation in foreign policy circles to be seen as being in conversation with Antonov given widespread bipartisan anger over Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.”
She then adds in parenthesis: “This, of course, depends on your political leanings. Antonov was a featured speaker earlier this month at a conference organized by the Schiller Institute, a body with links to the late fringe politician Lyndon LaRouche.” The Schiller Institute is hyperlinked to the conference page, whereas LaRouche’s name is hyperlinked to the New York Times obituary.