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Diane Sare Is on the Ballot!

June 7, 2022 (EIRNS)—Diane Sare will be on the ballot in November!

Tuesday, June 7 was the deadline for New York voters to challenge nominating petitions of independent candidates, and not one objection was filed against the LaRouche Party candidate for U.S. Senate, Diane Sare.

Hers was the only nominating petition for statewide office to which there were no voter objections, demonstrating the outrageously difficult nature of the 45,000 signature requirement, which should be eliminated.

Sare had the advantage of her 33-plus-year association with the late American genius Lyndon LaRouche, and the organization which he created, and which is being ably led by his widow Helga Zepp-LaRouche, with a cadre of dedicated revolutionaries who were trained to do the impossible.

The only remaining challenge to Sare’s ballot status would be if another U.S. Senate candidate claims that Sare has violated their rights by falling short of the requirements (highly unlikely).

June 14 is the deadline for that remote possibility. So the overwhelming likelihood is that Diane Sare will be on the November 8 ballot as the LaRouche Party nominee for U.S. Senator representing New York.

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