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Helga Zepp-LaRouche Depicts 1776 American Democracy as Close to Xi’s ‘Common Future for Humanity’ on CGTN Dialogue

Oct. 17, 2022 (EIRNS)—Helga Zepp-LaRouche was one of the panelists today on CGTN’s Dialogue special broadcast under the rubric of Global Thinkers, headlined “What Is Democracy and How To Evaluate It?” with host Xu Qinduo. Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche provided an extensive discourse on how American democracy has devolved into rank sophistry, which had been attacked by Plato, and, by contrast, she referred to the tradition of John Quincy Adams, who warned against going out in the world and “to seek monsters to destroy,” and sought instead for a community of sovereign nations. Much of this, she explained, is totally consistent with what President Xi Jinping is calling for in his community of shared future for mankind, and in his proposals for the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative.

In her response to a final question from a member of the online audience, she described the many countries she had visited, in India, in China, in Thailand, throughout Africa and throughout Latin America. In each of these, she said, you could find beautiful contributions to world culture. If the world could unite around the greatest moments in each culture, she said, this would produce a great renaissance for the world. She expressed optimism that the world can overcome this present crisis and realize that future for mankind. On this note, the 44-minute program ended.

Italian economist Michele Geraci was another of the five panelists, including also Prof. Ma Liang from the School of Public Administration and Policy of Renmin University of China; Zoon Ahmed Khan of Pakistan, research fellow at the Center for China and Globalization; Jayanath Colombage, former chief of the Sri Lanka Navy.

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