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Who Runs Britain’s ‘Centre for Information Resilience,’ Employer of Disinformation Czarina Jankowicz?

Nov. 27, 2022 (EIRNS)—Nina “Scary Poppins” Jankowicz, of Disinformation Governance Board infamy, has now registered officially as an agent of a foreign nation, the United Kingdom. The LaRouche movement has long pointed to the role of the British Empire in shaping international policy and directing U.S. institutions. The official recognition that would-be “disinformation” czarina Jankowicz is an agent of London—specifically, the Centre for Information Resilience (CIR)—helps to prove the point. Although she is not named as such now, the Grayzone’s Kit Klarenberg has exposed her previous role on CIR’s advisory board and relationship to its leadership. The CIR is a mouthpiece of the British Foreign Office, the marionette of the oligarchy; its stated goals include:

“CIR conducts research and analysis that identifies malign [sic] influence operations on social media and traditional platforms.

“We profile techniques and narratives used. We collect evidence enabling attribution to state or non-state actors.

“CIR assists governments and civil society to design and implement countermeasures.

“We collaborate with international and local media to expose disinformation and strengthen public resilience.”

Its “advisory board” includes:

Elisabeth Braw—a Resident Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where she focuses on defense against hybrid and gray zone threats. She is also a columnist with Foreign Policy and a member of the National Preparedness Commission (U.K.). Before joining AEI, Braw was a Senior Research Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), where she founded the Modern Deterrence Project.

Toomas Hendrik Ilves—Former President of Estonia. Before becoming President, Ilves was Vice-President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (2004-2006), Foreign Minister of Estonia (1996-2002), where he led Estonia’s EU and NATO accession process. From 1993-96 he was Estonia’s ambassador to Washington. His specific role in disinformation involved being director of the Estonian Service at RFE-RL (1988-1993) and beforehand worked in RFE-RL’s Research Department.

Dr. Charles Kriel—Visiting Policy Fellow at University of Oxford, where he runs a research project on disinformation, radicalization and election interference. He is the co-Founder of Metrotone Media, where he co-directed the documentary “People You May Know,” which follows his breakthrough Cambridge Analytica investigation while serving as Special Advisor to the House of Commons Digital, Cultural, Media & Sport (DCMS) Select Committee on Disinformation. Kriel is also the Founder of Kriel.Agency, a strategic communications, research and policy agency. Kriel.agency runs a feature called Disinformation Diaries, which specializes among other things in Russian and Chinese “disinformation” campaigns.

Mo Hussein—President, U.K. at Edelman Global Advisory; spent a decade at the highest levels of the U.K. government working in media, political strategy and crisis management. He was Special Adviser to the former Home Secretary and Energy and Climate Change Secretary Amber Rudd. Mo also spent four years in the Prime Minister’s communications team, where he was Chief Press Officer for Economy and Industry. Hussein also worked at the Ministry of Defense, where he spent three months in Lashkar Gah, Afghanistan, as a Media Adviser to British Forces.

Each adviser’s bio reads like a “Who’s Who” of the intertwining snake pit of primarily British-based think tanks, but extending globally, too extensive to include in this writing.

But, focusing on RUSI for a moment gives one a glimpse of the nature of the beast. The “Patron” of the RUSI is no less than “Her Late Majesty the Queen,” the President is HRH Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, and the Senior Vice Presidents being Lord Hague of Richmond; Arthur Charles Valerian Wellesley, His Grace the Duke of Wellington; and Gen. David H. Petraeus (ret.). CIR out that Petraeus was chosen for this honorary role “in recognition of General Petraeus’ long association with the Institute and his distinguished contribution to the study and development of defense and international security concepts, as well as his implementation of those concepts in operations in the Balkans, Iraq, and Afghanistan.”

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