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Courage, Awake! Dona Nobis Pacem!

Dec. 13, 2022 (EIRNS)—In light of the clear escalation in the strategic situation, an eerie silence hangs in the air. Demands for immediate negotiations to resolve the conflict in Ukraine should be heard ringing from every rooftop, but instead such calls are few in number and at present inadequate to the requirements of the moment.

The United States, which has not adopted a no-first-use policy for its immense nuclear arsenal, has placed nuclear weapons in Europe, has placed supposedly defensive missile systems in Europe that could be refitted to strike Moscow in a matter of minutes, has made a point of surfacing its nuclear-armed submarines, has all but announced that it is considering the possibility of a victorious first-strike nuclear use. Russian President Vladimir Putin has responded as required, announcing his nation’s recognition of this reality—also seen in light of the lack of a reliable partner as evidenced in the admissions that Ukraine never meant the Minsk Accords to be negotiated between Kiev and its Russian-speaking provinces to be implemented.

Schiller Institute Founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche has endorsed Pope Francis’s offer to use the Vatican as a venue for negotiations to bring about a diplomatic settlement before the situation escalates—as it could, any day, through accident or intent—into a nuclear conflict that no one on Earth would survive.

To escape the colonialist, oligarchical, unipolar outlook that demands that Russia and China come to heel, and the accompanying Malthusian ideology that sees human beings themselves as the enemy of “nature,” a new paradigm must be established. One that, through scientific, technological, and cultural progress ends poverty forever and makes development its motto.

“Development is the name for peace,” Zepp-LaRouche told the Association of Mexican Journalists, which had just given her an award for the Freedom of Expression. “Development is the name to overcome evil, and we are not bound in a Manichean world where evil and good will always co-exist. Rather, we can eventually bring into cohesion the life of humanity with the lawfulness of the universe.”

Join the LaRouche movement’s campaign for a new paradigm based on the Ten Principles for a New International Security and Development Architecture that Zepp-LaRouche has developed, and open people’s hearts and minds through music. Dona Nobis Pacem! May the voices for peace move the hearts and minds of those responsible.

Zepp-LaRouche’s call, “One Step Away From the Nuclear Annihilation of Mankind!” is posted to the Schiller Institute website.

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