Published: Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2007
Latest From LaRouche
January 18, 2007
They met, and married, during a seance. She was the spectre. It was what he believed to be the low cost of feeding her, which he, despite her complaining ways, found most attractive.
In any way in which you may choose to calculate, only fraudulent arithmetic could have built a case in defense of the current promotion of what are currently called "bio-fuels." Believers in the cult of "bio-fools," have no one as much as themselves, against whom to complain for the inevitable outcome of continuing such a policy. This is already the leading fact of that situation, even before taking into account the assured, mass-murderously costly effects of continuing the repeated introduction of that policy: effects on the food supply, and, therefore, also, on the life-expectancy of human beings generally. I recommend the use of that term of opprobrium, "bio-fools," or, "bio-fooled"; I do this not to be cruel, but, rather, because these are the kindest among the truthful euphemisms available.
...full article, PDF
This Week You Need To Know:
With the combination of the most somber and serious Congressional hearings since Watergate, and the opening of the trial of Vice President Dick Cheney's former Chief of Staff and National Security Advisor, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, for perjury and obstruction of justice, there is a "window of opportunity" for impeachment of the Vice Presidentand Cheney is jumping right through it.
On Jan. 24, one day after Cheney was exposed by Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, as directing the campaign to discredit a credible, eyewitness critic, former Ambassador Joe Wilson, by exposing the identity of his wife, Valerie Plame Wilson, who worked as a covert agent of the CIA, Cheney went on national television to announce that the White House will ignore any resolution from Congress that criticizes the escalation of force in Iraq.
In an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, when asked about the Senate resolution against the "surge," which had just been passed by the Foreign Relations Committee, Cheney boasted, "That won't stop us ... we are moving forward ... the President has made his decision."
In short, Cheney's own foul mouth, in bragging that the White House will ignore the Senate resolution against Bush's surge, just hours after the Senate committee passed the bipartisan Biden-Hagel-Levin measure, creates the "perfect storm" that could finally sweep Cheney out of the White House.
The exposure of Cheney's role in the Scooter Libby case, and his outrageous dismissal of the constitutional role of the Congress, affords the Bush familywhich enlisted Cheney to craft George W. Bush's Presidential run in 2000an opportunity now to take action to get him out.
...full article, PDF
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This Week in
American History
The Dance of the Bio-Fools
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
January 18, 2007
They met, and married, during a seance. She was the spectre. It was what he believed to be the low cost of feeding her, which he, despite her complaining ways, found most attractive.
In any way in which you may choose to calculate, only fraudulent arithmetic could have built a case in defense of the current promotion of what are currently called 'bio-fuels.'
- Appendix
The Fallacy of the Equant
by Jason Ross, LaRouche Youth Movement
"Moreover, it is no less false that the center of the world is within the earth than that it is outside the earth; nor does the earth or any other sphere even have a center. For since the center is a point equidistant from the circumference and since there cannot exist a sphere or a circle so completely true that a truer one could not be posited, it is obvious that there cannot be posited a center [which is so true and precise] that a still truer and more precise center could not be posited. Precise equidistance to different things cannot be found except in the case of God, because God alone is Infinite Equality. Therefore, He who is the center of the world, viz., the Blessed God, is also the center of the earth, of all spheres, and of all things in the world. Likewise, He is the infinite circumference of all things. "
Nicolaus of Cusa, De Docta Ignorantia
A 'Perfect Storm' Is Rising To Oust Dick Cheney
by Michele Steinberg
With the combination of the most somber and serious Congressional hearings since Watergate, and the opening of the trial of Vice President Dick Cheney's former Chief of Staff and National Security Advisor, I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, for perjury and obstruction of justice, there is a 'window of opportunity' for impeachment of the Vice Presidentand Cheney is jumping right through it.
- Documentation
Resolutions Challenge Cheney/BushWar Drive Resolutions in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives reflect the growing bipartisan opposition to the Cheney/ Bush drive to expand U.S troop levels in the war in Iraq, and to wage war against Iran.
Bad Actor Arnie Takes on New 'Post-Partisan' Con Man Role
by Harley Schlanger
It's a new year, so it must be time for a new role for the bad actor playing the Governor of California. Arnold Schwarzenegger's 'bold new vision for California,' as one pundit described the plans the governor unveiled in his State of the State address and his 'universal health care' proposal in early January, is nothing but a new con job designed to disarm and disorient Democrats, while winning him fresh approval from confused voters.
Book Review
Enough Lies To Sink A Rotten Administration
by Lawrence K. Freeman
State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III
by Bob Woodward
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006
560 pp., hardcover, $30.00
Let me be honest with the reader. I don't have much respect for Bob Woodward, after his duplicitous behavior in the Valerie Plame affair, but his latest book on the Bush Administration's Iraq War, State of Denial, played a helpful role in securing a peaceful regime change in the U.S. Congress. State of Denial is a sharp break with Woodward's two previous books on the Bush Administration, and is coherent with a dramatic policy shift typified by the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group, which represents a top-down attack against the neo-con cabal occupying the White Housea White House that has brought the United States close to the point of complete destruction.
Congress Begins Debate on Changing Economic Course
by Nancy Spannaus
Congressional hearings on aspects of the profound economic crisis facing the United States began the week of Jan. 22, in a new political environment shaped by the intensive intervention by the LaRouche Youth Movement, and there were definite signs of progress. While no sweeping FDR-style solutions, as required, were put on the table, a number of Congressional committees featured testimony that went directly after the disastrous free-trade axioms that have been destroying the world economy over the past 30 years.
House Ways and Means Hearings
EIR Tells Congress: Establish Federal Capital Budget for Infrastructure
Executive Intelligence Review presented the following testimony to hearings by the House Ways and Means Committee, Jan. 23-24 on the State of the Economy.
The political evidence of the November election's results, and the nature of the campaigns in which the new Members were elected, is that the American people want not only an end to a war policy; they also want an end to globalization and de-industrialization of their economy by 'free trade,' low-wage outsourcing, and deregulation...
Universal Health-Care Proposal Reintroduced In Congress
by Patricia Salisbury
On Jan. 25, less than 48 hours after President Bush included a fraudulent health-care proposal in his State of the Union Address, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), joined by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) held a press conference to announce their reintroduction of HR 676, the United States National Health Insurance Act, or the 'Medicare for all' legislation, as it has come to be known.
Debunking the Myths About Nuclear Energy
by Marsha Freeman
As the U.S. Congress debates energy policy, EIR provides this summary review of the answers to frequently raised objections to the only feasible solution to the U.S. and worldwide power shortage, nuclear energy.
Interview: Ian McCreary
Free Trade Is Wrecking Canadian Agriculture
As EIR reported last week ('British Crown Assaults Canadian Wheat Board in Grab for World Grain Control'), the Canadian government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in league with Queen Elizabeth II's Canadian Governor General, are out to strip the CWB of its 'single desk' authority.
NATO's Commitment to Afghan War: Is It Wearing Thin?
by Ramtanu Maitra
Having inherited two 'unwinnable' wars from Donald Rumsfeld, the new U.S. Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, recently took a short trip to Afghanistan, en route to Iraq, to convey President Bush's commitment to the Afghan war. What he found instead was a group of NATO commanders who do not want to lay down their lives in a war fought on behalf of the Bush Administration. These commanders complained bitterly about the duplicitous role of U.S. ally PakistanAfghanistan's neighbor and the country that was honored by the Bush Administration in 2004 as the Major Non-NATO Ally.
While the War Party Raves, Regional Mideast Diplomacy Seeks Peace
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
War-mongering statements from Vice President Dick Cheney and President George W. Bush were echoed at an important conference in Herzliya, Israel, the week of Jan. 22, where American neo-cons joined with Israelis to issue threats military aggression, even as the U.S. military buildup in the Persian Gulf proceeded. It is thus clear, that without decisive Congressional action to oust Cheney, his plans for the next war will go ahead.
Anglo-Dutch Offensive Takes Aim at Germany
by Rainer Apel
Had the German elites, or at least considerable sections of them, been smart, they would have made use of the fact that the political situation had changed dramatically with the results of the U.S. midterm elections Nov. 7. They would have allied with the winning side of the elections, the Democrats, and especially would have established direct contact with the chief dynamic factor of the Democrats: the LaRouche movement.
Alexander Hartmann on The LaRouche Show
German Mayoral Candidate Campaigns For High-Skill Jobs, Development
Alexander Hartmann, who is running for mayor of Wiesbaden, Germany on the slate of Germany's Civil Rights Solidarity Movement (BüSo), was interviewed for 'The LaRouche Show' Internet radio on Jan. 13 by host Marcia Merry Baker. We publish an edited version here. The BüSo was founded and is chaired by Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
How To Constitute a New Mexico
The LaRouche Youth Movement in Mexico on Jan. 18 released this pamphlet, 'Preamble for Our Constitution; A New Politics Begins.' This pamphlet by the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) is a critical flank in the battle over whether Mexico's government shall answer to its people, or to the financiers.
'To have Vice President Cheney suggest that we have had a series of enormous successes in Iraq is delusional,' said Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) during a Jan. 25 meeting of the Senate Democratic leadership with reporters. The good Senator was putting it mildly.
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