Lyndon LaRouche issued this statement on March 28, 2007.
In the U.S.A.'s foolish plunge into an 1964-1972 Indo-China war, the U.S. forces won the battles, but lost the war for no more relevant reason than choosing that war. The war in Iraq which Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher foisted upon a credulous President George H.W. Bush, was much less a disaster, only because George H.W. Bush was wisely advised not to go deeper into Iraq. But, after the end of that war, Europe and the U.S.A. (both) promptly entered and lost the Balkan Wars which never should have been started. The new, spreading war in Southwest Asia, into which the British Blair government has lured such among its silly dupes as President Bush and its stooge Vice-President Cheney, has already been the worst folly of all, but is about to become much worse unless Cheney is quickly expelled from office....
...complete article, PDF |
This Week, You Need To Know
Al Gore got into national politics as a police agent, rewarded with a seat in Congress for running a racist FBI frame-up against an African American political leader, who was trying to stop Nashville police from destroying the community by allowing unhindered narcotics trafficking and prostitution.
Years later, during Sen. Al Gore's abortive 1988 Presidential race, a biography promoting his campaign suddenly appeared, written, strangely enough, by a former Federal Bureau of Investigation official, Hank Hillin (Al Gore, Jr.: Born To Lead, reissued in 1992, as Al Gore, Jr., His Life and Career. Until 1999, the FBI man's book was the only published account of Gore's life. Hank Hillin told this reporter that he has known Gore and his family since Gore was four years old, and he described how Gore was brought in to work in the Tennessee arm of the FBI's terror campaign against black elected officials.
The pattern of hundreds of FBI/Department of Justice operations, beginning in the late 1950s, in which minority officials were illegally targeted, fell under the FBI internal designation, "Operation Frühmenschen" (German for "early" or "primitive men"). This racist doctrine, guiding FBI prosecutions of minorities, was first publicly identified by Rep. Mervyn Dymally (D-Calif.). On Jan. 27, 1988, Dymally, then the chairman of the Black Congressional Caucus, put into the Congressional Record a sworn affidavit from former FBI special agent Hirsch Friedman, originally filed in Federal court in Atlanta; it stated:
"The purpose of this policy was the routine investigation without probable cause of prominent elected and appointed black officials in major metropolitan areas throughout the United States. I learned from my conversations with special agents of the FBI that the basis for this policy was the assumption by the FBI that black officials were intellectually and socially incapable of governing major governmental organizations and institutions."...
...full article, PDF
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Strategic Overview
Why We Keep Losing Wars
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
The question the foolish U.S. Senators, and others, should be asking themselves, is: 'Who is it who has virtually drugged our Congress, again and again, into battles which our forces win abroad, but lose at home?'
McCaffrey Critiques Bush War Without End
Brits Drive World War III Provocations in Gulf
A growing number of American, Russian, Arab, and Israeli specialists are convinced that the world has moved ominously closer to a global confrontation, to be triggered by an American or Israeli/American attack on Iran, Jeffrey Steinberg reports.
Current History as Tragedy: Russia and Iran on Strategy
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
'Just as the stubborn incompetence shown by nearly all of the world's economists today, is a reflection of their reliance on Cartesian mechanical-statistical methods, instead of competent, Riemannian principles of dynamics: a similar problem often infects the foreign-policy and related strategic outlooks of most nations of the world, still today.'
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