The Real Human Mind
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
October 15, 2011I have recently published two items on what presently appear to have been the rarely understood, deep principles of the human mind: the first on the most rarely understood subject of the human mind (in my"Three Steps to Recovery?");[1] the second, a September 30th video broadcast on the subject of the physical principle of economic credit. Both of those two elements, when they are combined, encompass the essential principles of an economy treated as a subject-matter of physical science, rather than what is customarily, but mistakenly, identified as "economics." For this occasion, I have combined certain selected elements, from each, as representing, when combined, the most essential clues to understanding the general breakdown-crisis which grips the trans-Atlantic world, and beyond, at this present moment.
In brief, the following, principled observations to be considered are relevant.[2]
- Johannes Kepler on: (a) vicarious hypothesis, as continued by his elaboration of (b) the principle of gravitation, the latter as knowledge which is to be derived from the ironically juxtaposed, but commonly essential nature of those two phenomena underlying all competent modern physical science.
- As in conjunction with: (c) the notion of causality, as expressed by the action of a willfully continuing (physical) transition from a relevant past condition, into a relevant future one, as being the primary phenomena to be referenced.
- This means the notion of (d) (qualitatively) ontological change, which links that which might be interpreted as a sequence of (e) two presumably continuously successive physical states of existence, from departure, towards arrival, as a single, indivisible state of existence.
- In other words: we have (f) Heraclitus' notion, that nothing exists ("physically," "ontologically") but change. Compare this with (g) the case of Plato's Parmenides. Compare this with (h) Albert Einstein's notion of "space-time," [i.e., "space as such," like "time as such," does not exist in the real universe.]
- Read the preceding argument as (i) equivalent to the notion of Heraclitus that "nothing exists but [the ironical quality of] change as such."
- Read the foregoing nine points of reference from the exemplary standpoint of such precedents as the closing paragraph of Percy Bysshe Shelley's A Defence of Poetry.
A Timely Defense of Metaphor
My profession is that of the science of physical economy, in which I read processes in terms of "physical time," rather than "clock time." That same notion is traced in known history as the thesis of Heraclitus' "nothing exists but change." In other words, nothing exists but a physical change as the notion which provides us with a notional choice of a measure of time, and of time as a measure of change in quality, rather than of a simple magnitude.
As I have emphasized in my September 30, 2011 National Address, the measure of the progress of the human species as a species with universal implications, is to be found, uniquely, in the expression of society's relative equivalent of increase of the productive powers of labor of the relevant human population, per capita and per square kilometer.
Since the malicious practice of reductionism by such wretches as the unscrupulous mathematician Rudolf Clausius, much of the practice conducted in the name of "science," has been abused by the widely taught, but nonetheless fraudulent proposition known presently as "A Second Law of Thermodynamics." This intentionally fraudulent, but, unfortunately, widespread belief among the credulous has polluted much of what is presently, even often, mistaken for a "scientific truism." The motive of that fraud by Clausius et al., is rooted in the doctrines of what is defined as the oligarchical principle.[3]
The relevant evidence respecting life on Earth within our present galaxy over a fairly defined half-billion years, shows an ordering of living processes during a lapsed time in which the progress of development from relatively inferior to superior forms of life shows us a conclusion respecting the "history" of living systems. This is the pattern from lower to higher forms of life-systems: the progress of "natural selection" depends upon advances to higher qualities of species-types under conditions of required "historic" advances in effective energy-flux density of living types.
The prototype of creatures such as the rabid reductionist Clausius, is to be located in European history as the worshipers of the mankind-hating, Olympian Zeus, a legendary Zeus whose frankly pro-Satanic definitions of the Olympian "gods" versus "mortals," are defined by such examples as the four most notable precursors and representatives of the Roman empire's succession of principal models. Those models are those of Rome itself, Byzantium, the "old Venetian (medieval) system," and the "New Venetian" system of imperialism (e.g. British Empire) up through the present day. These traditionally "pro-Satanic" cultures, such as the British empire since the 1763 "Peace of Paris," typify "the oligarchical model" which is the most flagrant expression of a modern expression of a pro-Satanic practice for society still today.
In Galactic History
Not only is Earth and its population known to us as an expression of our Galaxy which immediately contains life on Earth, but the weather and related systems of our planet are the "weather systems" of that galaxy which define the pre-conditional context of developments within our Solar system. The best estimates presently available are known to relevant specialists as matters within the bounds of this galaxy which locate our species' habitation within the bounds of a recent several millions of years. The same generality of relevance for the presently knowable preconditions of the human species' roots and development within the bounds of the our Galaxy, tends to confirm the above-indicated outlook of Heraclitus,[4] and also Plato, later.
Time as Paradoxical
Now, turn your attention to the closing paragraph of Percy Bysshe Shelley's A Defence of Poetry.
There are chiefly four, more typical kinds of "time" to be considered at this point in the account. (1.) "Time" of coincidental physical events as such have been, or are becoming inferred from what is, or has been presently known, or presumed, as a relevantly, currently sensory experience. (2.) "Time" of man's merely attributed, rather than directly, or mistakenly experienced events. (3.) "Time" for which an event attributed to a future human experience (or, condition) is relevant. (4.) The latter of these four, including the particular instances of the experience of prescience, is the subject on which the crucial features of the concluding paragraph of Shelley's A Defence of Poetry are focussed.
There are, of course, also, falsely presumed types of events available for each of those four cases. The fourth case is the most interesting, and, also, most significant. My own rather generous, and relatively unique competence in my long-standing practice as representing a most successful experience as an economic forecaster, stands out for the importance of its implications here. This is to be afforded the additional importance attributable to my uniquely relevant, increasing successes in economic forecasting, since Summer 1956 into 1957.
The commonplace, systemic error shown by most among my "notable professional rivals" during the 1956-2011 interval to present date, lies in their mistaken emphasis on the notion of "simple time," otherwise dubbed as either "clock time," or its likeness. For the sake of needs for clarity at this point, a discussion of the relevant, thorough distinction of "physical time" from "clock time," as of temporary memory blocks, is essential.
Essentially, the physical universe is changing, or, better, being changed. This notion provides a useful, and fair definition of the problem to be considered here.
Since the Murder of President JFK
Since the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, there was a relatively steep decline in the physical economy and also the morality of our United States. Despite the excellent improvements contributed by President Eisenhower, relative to the wretched President Harry S-no-middle-name Truman, the thrust for a stated return to the practiced outlook of President Franklin Roosevelt, was aborted, and that abruptly, all as a result of the intended effects of President Kennedy's assassination which sent the U.S. economy into a pattern of generally accelerating decline since President Kennedy's death, up through the present date. Although there have been fluctuating rates of decline since that assassination, the worst under such Presidents as George W. Bush, Jr., and, worst of all by a far-far stretch, Barack Obama, the pattern has been continually downward, physically and morally, although at varying rates, from the first of the two leading Kennedy assassinations, to the present time.
Since the time of President John F. Kennedy's assassination, the rates of physical change of the manifestly productive powers of labor inside the U.S.A. (among others), have continued as a long-term downward trend in net physical terms per capita, as accompanied by a net physical decline in physical terms of net productive output and productivity per capita, while the nominal monetary rates per capita have been increasing relative to physical terms of physically productive output, and simply over the passage of time. Under Presidents George W. Bush, Jr., and Barack Obama, the downward trends have been accelerated into a current state of pure clinical, mass-murderous, monetarist insanity dumped upon both the nation as a whole physical entity and per capita.
The amount of nominal monetary aggregates has been accelerated at the same time that the worthlessness of the nominal monetary income and debt has now crashed to a level that the entirety of the national debt of the trans-Atlantic sector of the northern and middle regions' indebtedness is currently lodged within a virtually total bankruptcy of the present supply of nominal forms of money-supply of those nations which is now to be considered as relatively absolutely worthless, when that matter is considered relative to the net physically definable purchasing power.
In the case of the United States itself, even under the installation of a return to a Glass-Steagall standard, and even including a simple recognition of the current worthlessness of the merchant-banking sector, neither the monetary economies of the U.S.A., nor western and central Europe could survive under any present effort to maintain their present monetary systems. The only feasible remedy for the present crisis-conditions would be a return to the U.S. constitutional principle of a credit system prompted by the immediate adoption of the Glass-Steagall law.
In general, since the August 1971 termination of the Franklin Roosevelt-founded Fixed-Exchange-Rate System, the trans-Atlantic system has been on an accelerated rate of downward trend through the time of the present arrival at a condition of imminent general breakdown-crisis of the current trans-Atlantic system. We have thus reached the point, in those indicated sectors, at which any effort to perpetuate the present British system and that of its presently captive U.S., would mean a sudden, very early, general, mass-genocidal collapse of the level of population throughout the trans-Atlantic systems, a collapse which would then overtake the remainder of the populations of the planet in its entirety, a genocide on the global scale proposed, to less than one billion potential survivors, demanded, chiefly, by the circles of the British royal family.
The Credit System & Recovery[5]
The only possible present recovery of the U.S. economy from the presently accelerating general economic breakdown-crisis, would be the combination of immediate re-enacting of the original, Franklin D. Roosevelt Glass-Steagall law, combined with the indispensable supplementary measure of replacing a monetary system by a credit system based on the original principles of the U.S. Federal Constitution.
The present trans-Atlantic money systems are already hopelessly bankrupt, and could never survive even the immediate future, if the attempt to do so were made under those nations' present terms of practice. If President Obama remains in office during even the immediate terms of practice, it is absolutely certain that the United States would now soon cease to exist.
At the present time, the continued existence of our United States republic depends upon the immediately summary ouster of President Barack Obama and the immediate return to the policies traced to their origins in the strategic policy-outlooks of the administrations of such U.S. Presidents as Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, and John F. Kennedy. This means, in fact of actual practice, the policies of Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and others who shared the outlook of President Franklin Roosevelt.
This means the dedication of policies among nations to a fixed-exchange-rate credit system, rather than any sort of monetarist system. Otherwise, the nations of the trans-Atlantic regions are already as much as doomed to an early general breakdown-form of general physical-economic collapse.
[1] Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Three Steps to Recovery, (EIR, vol. 38, no. 40, October 14, 2011.
[2] Read these opening remarks from the vantage-point of Nicholas of Cusa's De Docta Ignorantia.
[3] Cf. Footnote inserted by editor Heinrich Weber to Bernhard Riemann's Gesammelte Mathematische Werke (1902), p. 293. Weber's note is typical of reductionist mathematicians, such as Weber apologist Rudolf Clausius, a Clausius typical of those lacking in comprehension of the standpoint of an actually physical science. Cf. Riemann Werke: pp. 283-286. "Es führt dies hinüber in das Gebiet einer andern Wissenschaft, in das Gebiet der Physik, welches wohl die Natur der heutigen Veranlassung nicht zu betreten erlaubt," [p. 286]. [This leads us into the realm of another science, into the domain of physics, which the nature of the current proceedings do not permit us to enter.]
[4] var.: Heracleitus.
[5] Cf. Henry C. Carey, The Credit System in France, Great Britain, and the United States (1838). Republished by Augustus M. Kelley (1974).