Executive Intelligence Review

Volume 48, Number 34, August 27, 2021



Rush Afghan Economic Projects—Talk with Government-in-Formation 

by Marcia Merry Baker

I. Economics

Extending the Belt and Road to Afghanistan—The Geo-Economics of Growth 

by Hussein Askary

Economics Briefs 

II. International

Build Haiti’s Infrastructure Now! 

by Gretchen Small

Africa Briefs 

Ibero-America Briefs 

China Briefs 

III. LaRouche Legacy Foundation Seminar

LaRouche Legacy Foundation Seminar, August 14, 2021
On the 50th Anniversary of LaRouche’s Stunning Forecast of August 15, 1971:
So, Are You Finally Willing To Learn Economics?


Moderator’s Opening Remarks 

by Megan Dobrodt

Lyndon LaRouche on the World Stage 

by Dennis Small

Lyndon LaRouche’s Method of Physical Economy in Coincidence with France’s Republican Humanism 

by Jacques Cheminade

The Early Economic Forecasts of Lyndon LaRouche 

by Paul Gallagher

Nixon’s August 1971 Announcement: An Eyewitness Account 

by Harley Schlanger

LaRouche’s Education of the Youth 

by Carlos ‘Itos’ Valdes

LaRouche in the Libraries 

by Gretchen Small

Notes on Potential Relative Population Density in Lyndon LaRouche’s Economics 

by Roberto Fritzsche and Eduardo Fernández

LaRouche’s Idea of Physical Economy 

by Fred Huenefeld, Jr.


From Theo Mitchell


From Daisuke Kotegawa


From Carlos Gallardo

What Makes a Society Successful? 

by José Vega

Fruitful Dialogue 
