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Appearing in EIR in 2018

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Memo to President Trump: Time To End the Special Relationship; Declassify All British-Spawned Documents Concerning Your 2016 Campaign
by Barbara Boyd (June 1, 2018)

ECB Stages Coup Against Legitimate Government of Italy, Markets in Despair
by Liliana Gorini (June 1, 2018)

Italy and Glass-Steagall Could Save Europe, the Threat Is from the City of London
(May 25, 2018)

How Lyndon LaRouche Built a Political Organization from Scratch
by Barbara Boyd (May 25, 2018)

China Report: China, Japan, and the New Silk Road—Overcoming Geopolitics
by Mike Billington (May 25, 2018)

As Tensions Mount, Keep an Eye on the Big Picture
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche (May 18, 2018)

If Roosevelt Had Lived
(May 18, 2018)

Schiller Institute Presents: A Concert Dedicated to the Spirit of RFK, Beethoven, and the New _Paradigm
by John Sigerson (May 18, 2018)

Text of Suppressed Address: Zuma Exposes the History of British Imperial Evil in South Africa
(May 18, 2018)

Zepp-LaRouche Webcast: The Empire Based in London Won’t Give Up. They Must, and Can Be Defeated
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche (May 11, 2018)

Why and How Humanity Must Return to the Moon
by Kesha Rogers (May 11, 2018)

Korea: A Spiritual Factor
(May 4, 2018)

German Government on the Slippery Slope: Blank Check for Breach of International Law
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche (May 4, 2018)

London-Based Empire Exposed: Door Open for Trans-Atlantic Economic Change
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche (May 4, 2018)

False Flags, Fake News, Regime Change in Washington Exposed as Made in London
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche (April 27, 2018)

American Poverty and Its Solution
by Robert Ingraham (April 27, 2018)

Clearing the Fog of War: Lies, Damn Lies, Damn British Lies
(April 20, 2018)

Inconvenient Proof: London Finance Dominates the World, Ruins Economies, Including America’s
by Paul Gallagher (April 20, 2018)

LaRouche PAC Emergency Statement: Enough! Call Congress and Your Senator and Tell Them To Shut Down Robert Mueller, Stop the British Drive to War
(April 13, 2018)

Schiller Institute Report: Houston Mobilizes for Mankind’s Shared Future
by Brian Lantz (April 13, 2018)

‘The Campaign To Win the Future’ Means Ending the Party Politics of the Past
by Susan Kokinda (April 13, 2018)

Zepp-LaRouche Webcast: How To Outflank Mad Theresa May’s March to World War III
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche (April 6, 2018)

The Fraud of ‘Western Democracy’: Who Are the Real Authoritarians?
by Robert Ingraham (April 6, 2018)

Apollo Mission on Earth: Transforming Our Relationship to the Physical World
by Bill Roberts (March 30, 2018)

Desperation Forces British Imperial Elites into a Major Blunder
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche (March 30, 2018)

Fatally Wounded British Beast Lashes Out: Skripal Poisoning a Desperate British Attempt To Resurrect Their American Coup
by Barbara Boyd (March 23, 2018)

‘Experts Aghast!’
(March 16, 2018)

Book Review: The Alcibiades Trap: The Stupidity of Anglo-American Arrogance
by Gerry Rose (March 16, 2018)

Zepp-LaRouche Webcast: A Victory in Abuja
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche (March 9, 2018)

‘Listen to Us Now!’ Putin Delivers New Sputnik Shock
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche (March 9, 2018)

Editorial: Keynes or von Hayek?
by Robert Ingraham (March 2, 2018)

Parkland, Florida Could Be the Turning Point:
It’s Time for America To End the Half Century of Humiliation

by Diane Sare (March 2, 2018)

Editorial: Fire the Whole Top Stratum of the FBI!
(February 23, 2018)

Mueller Indictments of Russian Social Media Trolls Scam the American People
by Barbara Boyd (February 23, 2018)

China Report: The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge—For China and the World
by Michael Billington (February 16, 2018)

British Controlling Hand in Russiagate Exposed
by Harley Schlanger (February 16, 2018)

Defying the British Coup: Trump Negotiates with Russia To Solve Crises
(February 9, 2018)

The British Sabotaged the Second Attempt for an SDI with Russia
by Dean Andromidas (February 9, 2018)

The Memo Voted Out of Committee, McCabe Fired—First Steps To End the Coup?
by Barbara Boyd (February 2, 2018)

China-Celac Forum Embraces Chila’s Belt and Road: Will the U.S.A. Join?
by Cynthia R. Rush (February 2, 2018)

Hal Cooper to LaRouche PAC Manhattan Dialogue: Hamiltonian Credit To Link the Americas to the Belt and Road
by Hal Cooper (January 26, 2018)

Mueller’s Russiagate Scam Is Imploding, So Neocons Are Hell-Bent on War
(January 26, 2018)

Retaking the Industrial Heartland for LaRouche’s Four Laws
by Bill Roberts (January 26, 2018)

A Racist by Any Other Name ... Would Stink Like Obama and Bush
(January 19, 2018)

Jacques Cheminade Interview: France’s Macron Joins ‘Common Fight’ with China, for Peace and Mutual Development of Mankind
(January 19, 2018)

Will Trump Return to His Campaign Pledges? Decision Time for U.S. Economy
by Harley Schlanger (January 12, 2018)

Americans Must Know What Macron Has Done
(January 12, 2018)

Post-Election South Africa: Close Combat over the New Economic Paradigm
by David Cherry, R.P. Tsokolibane, and M.M. Masongo (January 12, 2018)

Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Message for the New Year
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche (January 5, 2018)
