Executive Intelligence Review

Volume 47, Number 49, December 4, 2020



The Post-Pandemic World Order: The Image of Man Is the Key 

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

I. Truth in Elections

Schiller Institute International Investigative Commission on
Truth in Elections

November 28, 2020

Introduction: Commission Hearing on Massive U.S. Election Fraud 

by Dennis Small

Expert Testimony

Harley Schlanger 

Leah Hoopes 

Sen. Mario Scavello 

William Binney 


Prof. Marino Elsevyf and Col. Richard Black (USA ret.) 

Daniel Marmolejo and Harley Schlanger 

Closing Comments of Witnesses, Experts, and International Jurists

Leah Hoopes 

Bennie Smith 

David Meiswinkle 

Juan Francisco Soto 

Dr. Simón Levy 

Prof. Marino Elsevyf 

II. Africa: Development Before Debt

To Replenish Lake Chad: Italy’s Prodi Puts Transaqua Back on the International Agenda 

by Claudio Celani

Africa’s Most Crucial Moment: Discourse on the Debt, 33 Years On 

by P.D. Lawton

III. Think Like Beethoven

Think Like Beethoven: Fidelio, Lafayette, and LaRouche—Or the Big Elephant in the Room 

by David Shavin

Parts II, II, and IV. Part I appeared in the November 13, 2020 issue of EIR.

IV. LaRouches Release a Development Virus on the World

New Green Fascism, or New Paradigm for Mankind? 

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

LaRouche In Rhodes: A Four-Power Agreement Can Create a New World Credit System 

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

October 10, 2009.
